Saturday, January 29, 2011

Re-surfacing (Yet again!)

Yeah, hate to say it, but I guess it all boils to down to effective time management. No excuses. But for those who thought this blog was dead and gone ... give it another chance!
Plenty happened these past few months. Moved the store (Music Gear) twice and now it is co-located along with the School in the ground floor of the same building as before. Arjun has been a great help part-time (not to forget the support from my wife and kids) and hope to add a permanent staff member from Feb.
Guitar, Keyboard, Veena and Bhavageethe classes have seen a lot of action and in a few weeks' time I look forward to seeing Bharatanatyam enthusiasts setting off new vibrations in the environment!
Looking forward to RaGaJam-II on 20-Feb ....